Monday, June 16, 2008

day 12

Wow. I guess Sundays are becoming my day of rest from ETL. And from exercising. I did so great up until the time Shirl and Connie brought strawberry shortcake for Father's Day. I was just going to eat the strawberries, but then I thought, "what the heck, one piece won't hurt."
Then Connie got talking about trying to find our Grandma Hendrickson's raisin-filled cookie recipe. That got us searching the internet. Then we had to try the most promising recipe to see if it was the right combination. Then of course we had to try the cookies to see if they were just like Grandma made. They were. Five or six (I lost count) cookies later I realized that this was not a good thing. Later on I figured that I'd already blown it so I'd have some of the funeral potatoes that I'd not eaten at lunch because they weren't ETL.
I can't believe the self-destructive mind games I play with myself sometime. What I do from here will determine if I'm going to be successful at this or not.
breakfast - 2 slices Vita-Bee bread, 2 Tblsp peanut butter, cherries
snack - handful of pistachios
lunch - large green salad, 1 Tblsp ranch dressing, 1/2 cup petite peas, 3x3x1 inch slice pound cake, 1 cup strawberries, dab of whipped cream
snack - 5 or 6 raisin-filled cookies
dinner - about a cup of funeral potatoes

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