Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Stagnant Water

This Sunday Willow and I attended marriage prep in my ward. Our bishops each have asked us that every other week we switch between Willow's marriage prep class and my marriage prep class. Anyway, the teacher started her class by writing in big letters the word "FITNESS." Willow and I looked at each other and thought of this blog, the Family Fitness thing and everything that has already been said about being fit and its importance to our spiritual selves. We were both surprised when the teacher instead of talking about running, and eating healthy asked us all to turn to a scripture, as she gave a quote by President Ezra Taft Benson. The quote went something like this 'In all the scriptures there is one verse that explains all that we must do to be happy,' she then asked us to read Luke 2:52.

"And Jesus increased in wisdom, and stature, and in favor with God and man."

This makes sense, because the best way to achieve happiness is to excel in all areas. Because the body and spirit are one, we need not just body fitness, but entire fitness. Just like the Savor we need to increase in wisdom, and be mentally fit. We also need to increase in stature, and be physically fit. We need to increase in favor with God, and be spiritually fit. And we also need to be socially fit, with man.

Elder Ashton said, "A commitment to improve on a daily basis should be a high priority in those who would move in the right direction."

The teacher then led the class in a discussion on how entire fitness helps improve relationships. Relationships with our Heavenly Father and also with those around us. Willow and I don't have the best understanding yet, but we understand that in marriage and family its important to be evaluating the individuals direction (mental, spiritual, physical, and social) in order to be happy with each other. We need to be evaluating ourselves regularly and continually working to change and grow in the right direction. Stagnant water gets stinky. We don't want to stink.

1 comment:

Jane said...

Andrew, you probably won't read this, it's been so long since you posted, but I really appreciated your thoughts. I know that when I'm eating healthy and exercising, I seem to be better about reading my scriptures, working on my home study courses and keeping up on other commitments. I just feel more alert and better about myself. I strongly believe that what I do physically has a strong influence on what I'm doing spiritually, intellectually and socially. It's amazing how interconnected they are. After re-reading your post I have renewed my commitment to healthy living and will turn yesterday's 1 point into 5 points today. No stagnant water for me!