Monday, June 09, 2008

Day Number Three

Breakfast: Strawberries and a banana
Lunch: Two pieces of whole wheat toast with peanut butter* and some carrots
Dinner: A baked russet potato with Ranch (I know, bad) and a salad with Romain, cucumbers, carrots and cherry tomatoes (also a bit of Ranch).

*Shoulda stopped at one, but I was craving peanut butter.

Exercise: A walk. Andrews car is in the shop so he took mine to work, but I really felt like going to the gym, grrr.

1 comment:

thomjane said...

I thought you did really good! I know that I can't do this with only one bread or starch on most days. I guess that I won't lose as fast on those days. Also, a little bit of ranch makes the salad go down. I probably need to find a substitute for ranch so I don't have more calories in the dressing than the salad. Also, it's milk-based. I guess if that's the worst we do we'll be ok. The secret is to be as close as we can possibly be and still keep going. BTW, how close is the gym? Is it close enough you can walk there?